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The Five Elements: EARTH

Each of the five elements within the five-element theory contains its own emotions, dietary preferences, and meridians on the body. Each of these elements also embodies an aspect of our spirit.


The Earth element embodies an aspect of our spirit related to purpose. It can often be described as the song of our lives.


The Earth element is usually depicted at the centre of the other four elements: wood, fire, metal, and water.


The wood aspect of our spirit correlates to our sense of drive and ambition, representing what we believe in.


The fire aspect of our spirit correlates to our sense of joy, fun, and creativity.


The metal part of our spirit relates to self-improvement and our ability to dream about the future.


The water part of our spirit is deeply rooted in our will, ancestral inheritances, and deep personal drive.


Whenever we explore any aspect of these elements as we navigate through different paths in our lives, it is always important to return to the centre, our Earth.


Each time we return to the Earth aspect of our being, we can make sense of and integrate what we have learned from venturing into one of these four paths. These combined experiences help us form our sense of self and the song of this life.


As we immerse ourselves in the myriad of experiences from venturing into any of these four directions, returning to ourselves involves taking a seat and having a breath.


The aspect of our spirit connected to the spleen and stomach helps us digest what we take in and process it into something useful for the rest of our being.


Join me for our Earth workshop, where we will explore the essence of this aspect of our spirit, how to bring it to life using acupressure points and meditations, and how to recognize features within the face.


When our Earth element is balanced, we have an incredible ability to nurture ourselves and others.


When this element is unbalanced, we often spend a lot of time overthinking and worrying. This, in turn, can affect how we digest information and food, and interfere with our ability to nurture ourselves and others.


To learn about the signs and signals to keep our Earth element healthy and balanced, join me here:

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