Exploring Organ Health and Balancing the Five Elements Through Face Reading
I initially used face reading to assess the health of the organs associated with the five elements in Five Element Theory. By examining different regions of the face, I could detect which organs and meridians were potentially deficient and which ones were in excess. This assessment helped me create personalised bodywork, acupuncture, or yoga sequences that would benefit the individual.
Personalised Bodywork and Lifestyle Choices
Face reading allows us to quickly and efficiently assess an individual’s needs and tailor a bespoke plan to align them with their unique balance of elements. For instance, the spleen is represented by the lips and the bridge of the nose. The spleen’s role is to help us transform and transport the energy we consume, nourishing all our organs and cells.
Nutrition can be a sensitive subject, and nutritional science evolves rapidly. Moreover, the field has often been influenced by the interests of those funding the studies, sometimes to the detriment of public health. Take, for example, the trend of reducing fats and consuming margarine instead of butter, which was later found to harm our arteries and contribute to other health issues like cholesterol imbalance and increased cardiovascular risk.
Understanding the Spleen’s Influence
At its best, the spleen represents our nurturing aspect, our capacity to care for ourselves and others. It embodies our sentimental qualities, essential for building and deepening relationships. However, when the spleen is deficient, we lack motivation to connect with others. Conversely, when in excess, we tend to ruminate and worry excessively.
The spirit of the spleen helps us create the sum of our life experiences. Each of us has a unique story to share, and the spleen helps weave these experiences into a beautiful narrative, like your favourite soup or cake recipe. However, when the spleen is unhappy, it can lead to cravings and issues with digestion, weight gain, and weight loss. The spleen is particularly sensitive to fried, cold, or raw foods.
Addressing Imbalances
Over the years, I have encountered yoga practitioners who followed raw diets and experienced extreme anxiety and worry. By informing them that excessive raw food consumption upsets the spleen and causes internal imbalance, they quickly realised their mistake and adjusted their diet.
If you are open to dietary changes, I can help you develop a programme to bring your system into balance. This might involve avoiding certain foods for a period to reset your system, followed by a gradual reintroduction based on the presentation of your other elements. We can tailor the amount and timing of food intake to suit your unique needs and preferences.
Achieving Balance
This medicine is about balance. The spleen thrives on a variety of flavours, and it is crucial to maintain a balanced diet. When the spleen is balanced, it allows us to transform whatever we ingest- food, kindness, compassion, love - into something useful and nourishing.
If you are interested in a face reading session to understand the nature of your elements, please get in touch. Depending on your ability to focus on set tasks and goals, you might only need a couple of sessions. However, if you require more support, we may need to schedule additional sessions. Each individual is unique, and it is important to maintain your unique balance of elements to help you thrive.
Feel free to contact me for a personalised face reading session and embark on a journey towards balance and well-being.