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Bliss Bodywork Online Mentorship


I understand that as the world continues to evolve at such a great speed and we are all doing what we need to do to take care of what is important that it isn’t as easy as it was once before to attend live training and events.

Although I have great intentions to continue travelling and teaching, my heart has been aching as I wonder when will I be able to re-unite with many people within our community. I know many of our lives have changed and circumstances mean we just don’t have the same resources to hang out in the ways that we used to.

This is why I have created the Bliss Bodywork Online Mentorship. This is where I can share some wonderful bodywork sequences that derive from a plethora of traditions in the hope to fill your medicine bag with useful sequences that in my humble opinion, change lives.

Each month I will take you through a 45min (ish) bodywork sequence that you can either do on a partner, or you can work on the areas on yourself if you don’t have anyone with you until the opportunity to work on another arises.

Or you can watch the classes on demand when you have the time, space and model to work on.

Every 6 months will be themed around a particular topic and I will send out the next schedule of classes as we reach the end of a cycle.

My intention of doing this is to first and foremost, hold our community in the most effective way that I can do right now.

The second reason is because I know that within our own communities, there are people who will want some sort of bodywork. I hope that the sequences you will learn will enhance your ability to do bodywork and charge your business with the top up that could come in handy right now.

The way it works is like this:

Members pay a total of £55 per month for full access to yoga and meditation library and live classes PLUS Bliss Bodywork Mentorship.

Non-Members £35 per month for 1 class per month and access to library to watch classes on demand.

Classes are about 90mins long (some may be a little longer or shorter depending on the sequence that needs to be covered).

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance that will satisfy most organisations requests for CPD (UK) CEU (USA) for example.

For those who would like a more concise Bodywork Certification, you can opt in for the option to take ‘tests’ to satisfy governing body standards and after receiving a certain number of hours, will be awarded a Certificate in Bodywork.

You will learn a combination of:


Trigger Point Therapy

Myofascial Release

Soft Tissue Manipulation


Sacro-Cranial Therapy

Visual Diagnostics

These sequences are sourced from a combination of resources. Mainly classical texts and peer reviewed articles.

You can jump in at any point that you like. If you decide to join later then you are able to access the library to watch the other classes.

Remember that this is a mentorship program: to become qualified in any of the listed modalities, send in an email and we will put together the T’s & C’s that industry expects to gain a certificate in that modality:

For example, if you join a class and decide you love acupressure and you want to study the entire system, we at JDS will put that together for you. I believe that learning in bite sized chunks is the way to master any of these modalities.

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